Sunday, April 3, 2011


We read in the Gospel that this is the second sign Jesus performed in Galilee. What was the first? You will remember that it was when He changed water into wine at the wedding feast.
Jesus seems to dismiss the request of the official: “Unless you see signs you will not believe.” Signs and wonders were common in the life and ministry of Jesus. They were there to confirm the faith of the believer. Signs still exist today. They are not old-fashioned events that are part of a bygone era. However, signs should not be the “be all” and the “end all.” There is more to faith than signs and wonders.
The sign that the Messiah has come and that the Kingdom of God is near is in the person, life and ministry of Jesus. No other sign needed. St. John of the Cross says God has spoken and there is no other word needed to be spoken. Jesus, the Word made flesh, is the final and definitive sign and word for all.
The faith of the royal official is to be noted here. He does not ask anything spectacular from Jesus, only that He come and visit his son and heal him. As a commander used to giving and receiving commands, he simply heeds the words of Jesus and believes that his son will live. On the way home, he discovers that his son is truly alive, thanks to the word of Jesus. What a tremendous faith this man exhibits before Jesus. He takes Jesus at His word and his son is freed from sickness. Because of this, his entire household came to believe in Jesus, their faith confirmed through the witness of the son’s health and the testimony of the official.
These days, we need to ponder the words of Jesus. His words are spirit and life. We need to heed the words of Jesus to speak life into us. As we practice our disciplines of Lent, let us ask the Lord to heal us. Let us hear again His words of life: “You will live.” Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Jesus is the Lord of life. Where must He breathe life into you?
Lord, speak Your word of life to me that I may live again. Amen.
St. Plato, pray for us.

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