Peter and Judas are the main characters in the Gospel today. We know that Peter was to deny Jesus at His arrest while Judas despaired that He had betrayed innocent blood. Two disciples close to Jesus sadly give way to disloyalty and unfaithfulness. However, Jesus is the loving and compassionate Lord. In the end, we know that Peter renewed his faith in the Lord while Judas, unable to come to grips that the Lord would ever forgive him, took his life in his own hands.
To eat bread together was a high form of fellowship in the Jewish culture. As Jesus broke bread and shared (His body) this was tantamount to saying, “I will be loyal to you and I commit myself to you in friendship. I will never hurt you.” In this light, we see what an evil act it was for Judas (knowing what was going to happen) to take the bread from the Master’s hand with the intent of betraying Jesus. I once heard that both Peter andJudas had potential to be great leaders. Peter repented and became a great leader of the Church and the early community. What a waste of life for Judas. If pride had not stolen his heart, he could have repented and found a place, too, in Jesus’ mission.
As we read the Gospel today, we can relate with these two men. Oftentimes we, too, are caught in denial of the Lord. For example, how often have we listened to gossip and not walked away, or willingly participated? How often have we had a chance to defend the teachings of the Church, or the good act of someone and chosen to be quiet or not take action? This is a denial that we are followers of the Lord, or even Christians for that matter.
Or perhaps when life seems so hard, we despair and doubt the goodness of the Lord. How many times have we betrayed the Lord through sin, through ill-treatment of another or have shown disrespect to family members? In this Gospel, we learn how easy we can turn away from the Lord, even if we boast that we will follow the Lord come what may. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Have I denied the Lord? Have I betrayed Him?
Lord, I repent of the ways I have denied Your existence in my life or even for the times I have betrayed You through careless acts and words. Forgive me as I trust in Your loving mercy. Amen.
St. Ursmar, pray for us.
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