The two disciples on the way to Emmaus are down in the dumps. They return to their original village. The evangelist tells us that they are discussing the events of the last few days: the arrest, crucifixion, death and reports of Jesus risen from the dead. In their depression, they debate and converse with each other. They are unaware of the one who walks beside them. They are so sad they cannot recognize Jesus, the one whom they are referring to in their conversation. Notice the reaction of the disciples when Jesus asks them what they are discussing. They are downcast. Are you the only one who does not know what has been happening? Are you blind? Are you unaware? In fact, Jesus is the only one who knows what is going on. As they talk to Jesus, they repeat the bad and sad news. Actually, they do not realize that it is good news!
Therefore, Jesus takes center stage as He also joins in the discussion, this time speaking of all the Scriptures referring to Him. Luke informs us that their hearts burn within as Jesus gives them the first ever catechism of the Catholic Church. I would love to have been there on the road to Emmaus. Only at the breaking of the bread, the familiar gesture at the Last Supper, do they realize it has been Jesus all along. How slow they have been to realize. Just when they get it, he disappears from their sight.
All of us are on a journey. Not to Emmaus but to the center of our hearts. We hear again Jesus speaking His Word to us. At every Eucharist,Jesus speaks His Word and breaks bread for us in the person of the priest. Jesus reveals His presence to us as He did at Emmaus. Our eyes need to be open to see Him truly in our midst under the guise of bread and His Word. Notice in the story the journey does not end. In fact, the two disciples are very excited to continue their journey — all the way back to Jerusalem. They are no longer sad but bearers of the Good News of God’s Love. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Does you heart burn in love for Jesus?
Come, Holy Sprit, enkindle within me the fire of your love in the breaking of the bread and Word in the Eucharist. Amen.
St. Winewald, pray for us.
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