Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Do you know that your name has a wonderful identity? Your name is special. Given to you at birth, your name has marked you out as an incredible human being. Your name is significant and worthy of much respect in the eyes of God. So what is in a name?
You will notice that throughout the Bible, people have a new name given to them. For example, in today’s first reading, Abram is called Abraham. Later on Sarai becomes Sarah. The names of the figures in the Old Testament signify a special service that these people will perform before the Lord. Even in the New Testament, we see Jesus giving new names to His people: Simon becomes Peter, Levi becomes Matthew and Saul becomes Paul, the great missionary to the Gentiles.
Abram, “exalted father,” becomes Abraham “father of many nations.” He becomes our “father in the faith.” In the person of Abraham, we see such humble obedience and submission to the Lord God. This is why the religious authorities and other Jews of Jesus’ day (and even nowadays) highly respect and honor their father, Abraham.
God makes a covenant with Abraham, the sign being that of circumcision. This was to symbolize that they are a people consecrated to the Lord, set apart and belonging to God. Constantly, we hear the summons of the prophets, “I will be your God and you will be my people.”
The story of Abraham is a wonderful story full of morals for us. Ever since Abram was called by God to leave his homeland, his whole journey was a pilgrimage of faith in the Lord. We learn of his complete and utter trust in the Lord even to the point of giving up his son for the Lord. He is an exemplar to us in his faith, hope and trust in the Lord.
The one who trusts in the Lord receives many blessings. Are we willing to completely trust in the Lord, even if it means giving up the things that we most love and admire? If we place our trust in the Lord, the God of Abraham will certainly reward us. Let us not hesitate to place our trust in the Lord. Hope in Him and you will see Him act in your life. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
What is your name? What does it mean?
Thank You, Lord, for the wonder of my name. In Your holy name, I am blessed. Amen.
St. Ardalion, pray for us.

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