There were many feasts celebrated in the history of the Jewish people. The Feast of Tabernacles is one. This feast, commemorated in September and October, celebrated the completion of the harvest. It was the original celebration of thanksgiving to God for His protection during their desert wanderings. As the disciples went to Jerusalem to observe the feast, Jesus said He would not go. However, John tells us that He did, yet secretly. One could almost feel the tension rising as we read the stories of the last day of Jesus in Jerusalem, leading up to His death.
Jesus is considered as a madman. He mentions that He has been sent. He is always aware of the hour that is to come. He speaks of God as His Father and He presents Himself as the Christ. The crowd finds this too hard to accept and is willing to arrest and hand Him over to the authorities. A constant refrain we read in the Gospel of John is that the hour had not yet come. However, Jesus always stays on the side of the truth, no matter how much the crowds persuade Him not to.
There will be times in our life when we need to stick to the truth despite having to endure setbacks and criticisms. We would be considered madmen for the sake of Jesus. Those closest to us would seek to challenge us and draw us away from the Lord and His will in our life. We must not be afraid to stand alongside the truth no matter what the price. For Jesus, it was death — death on the Cross. The disciple will always be where His master is.
Lent is the time where we consider our relationship with Jesus again. We are in a time of renewal in the Lord. Are we willing to stand up for the truth and stand with Jesus? Are we willing to be as Francis of Assisi would say, “fools for Christ”? As we remember the Jews who celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles thanking God for the blessing of His provision, let us thank God that He is always on our side. The Spirit is the Advocate, the One who defends those who live with Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Where and to whom is Jesus calling me to stand up for the truth?
Lord, despite the trials that may come my way and the temptation to quit, I will always seek to live my life in the light of Your truth. Amen.
St. Conscessa, pray for us.
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