Monday, March 21, 2011


Jesus addresses some of the practices of the Pharisees in this passage in order to call them to a greater integrity of action and life. There is little doubt that no one appreciates hypocrisy and that it also turns people off when you are trying to attract them to a belief, way of life or community in general.
This includes calling attention to one’s practices and self-proclaimed holiness in order to grandstand one’s self-righteousness. It is not up to the individual to decide this status. It is a status conferred by others on the individual when they witness his lifestyle. Mother Teresa never sought to draw attention to herself, but gained her status from those who had seen what her life stood for and were impressed by it. In fact, all of the saints fit easily into this category, with a lot of them going to great lengths to avoid publicity.
For a truly holy person, attention is the last thing they desire as it will make their life of reflection more difficult to carry out. Attention is fself-righteousnessor superstars who rarely live reflective lives and thus are dubious examples for our youth to follow. The never-ending stream of scandals that comes from the world of entertainment and sports indicate clearly what I am saying. If we want our children to be influenced by worthy examples of holiness and reflection, we have a lot to do.
I believe it is time that prominent persons in our society are called to account for their less than ideal lifestyles. The culture of irresponsibility that they foster and promote is the worst possible example for our children and youth. It is up to parents, schools, the Church and other influential institutions to take action in this regard and assume a greater role in vetting the influences we allow into the lives of our children and youth.Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
Reflection Question:
What and who are the things and people I look to for inspiration in my life? Is the inspiration they provide going to be for good or bad in my life?
Holy Spirit, lead and guide my life in the way of truth and righteousness. Help me to grow in my capacity to love and serve my neighbor, and not focus upon myself.
St. Trien, pray for us.

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