Thursday, March 10, 2011


The question of asceticism is one that perplexes a modern world that is fixated on pleasure. Why on earth would anyone choose to freely embrace pain for no immediate and tangible reward? Yet, there is a history of ascetical practices in the Church that demonstrates otherwise. Jesus hints at this when He affirms that there will be a time for fasting when the bridegroom has been taken from them.
It is probably true that, to a certain degree, ascetical practices, and especially those that cause physical pain to one’s body, find their roots in the Manichaean belief that the physical body needs to be beaten into submission and that the spirit of a person is all that counts. The challenge of the Church is to teach against such error and try to remove it as a motive for any ascetical practice.
This causes me to ask myself what role asceticism plays in my life. Do I want it to have a role? The answer to the first question is, not a big enough role, and to the second, yes. Why? I have read enough of the lives of the saints to realize that there is a valid role for ascetical practices in the life of a Christian. We rarely question the sacrifices and ascetical practices of athletes, so why do we have such a problem when the saints employ such means to draw hemselves closer to God? There is an obvious double standard here and it is time to put an end to it.
Of course, any such practices must be used with moderation and due care for one’s body and general health. The Church teaches that any ascetical practices, particularly corporal ones, ought to be undertaken only with the supervision of one’s spiritual director. This will help guard against abuse and also keep in mind the overall health of the individual concerned.
Ascetical practices heighten one’s spiritual awareness as they teach us that our bodies are not in control of our choices — our minds are. Let us seek the mind of God on this matter and seek to follow His lead.Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
Reflection Question:
What place do I want asceticism to have in my spiritual life? Surely fasting is a possibility once in a while?
Father in heaven, You have given me a body with which to engage the world. Help me to respect it and keep its passions under control.
St. Amunia, pray for us.

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