Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Who would want to be Moses? God asks Moses to free the Israelites from the stubborn hand of the Pharaoh. God challenges him to divide the sea in two. He is to put up with complaints of the people for 40 years in the desert. Moreover, he has to put up with their disobedience when they turn from the law and the love of God in worshipping a cow. Who would want his job? Could you imagine the reaction of Moses? He is having a pleasant conversation with God on the mountain. He is about to receive the commandments and stipulation from the hand of God. God interrupts and says, “Hey, you better go down and see what your people are doing. They are running amok and worshipping the cow!”
Moses has a way with God. He cools the temper of God. He puts it back to God — the people are His responsibility. He reminds God that He has brought them out of Egypt. He tells God to calm down and everything will be OK.
The First Reading makes a good meditation material for this Lent. We are in the fourth week of Lent and by now, you must be in good terms with God. You have come to a place of trust in a God who loves you and listens to you always. Moses had a great confidence and trust in God. He conversed with God as with a friend. God calls us to be friends and to relate with Him as one in whom we can trust and confide in. And in the end God relented in the punishment that He has threatened to bring to the people.
Intercession is one of the gifts we can develop in our spiritual life. Moses interceded before God on behalf of his people. How did he do that? He reminded God of His promises (as if God needs reminding). He questioned the motives of God (as if God needs questioning). He made God reconsider that if He would carry out His threat, what kind of God would He be in the eyes of the people? Moses is very bold in his relationship with God. Moreover, it seems that God can handle this. He wants us to be bold with Him, to have confidence and trust that He will answer us when we call upon His name.Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Is God calling you to intercede for someone or a particular situation?
Remember Your people whom You have called by name. Answer us and save us, O Lord.
Blessed Ursulina, pray for us.

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